Monday, September 13, 2010

Paint By Number Finds

I feel so lucky!  Went for a quick trip to a local antique mall and found some nice Paint by Numbers. 
These look much better in person!  I was thrilled to find them, they were both in frames but not framed properly.  I removed them from the frames and found them dated 1955.  And they have the initials on them, one is W.F.M and the second one is MM.  I can just imagine a couple sitting by the radio on Saturday night and each painting a paint by number to match, how cute is that?

These are from the 70's.  From the Great American Series and American Spirit Series.  Some one took a lot of time on these, it's hard to tell they are paint by numbers! 

Blue Ridge Mill.  This is the largest one I've ever purchased at 24 x 18.

It was a good day!

1 comment:

Bridget said...

These are very cool. Were people still sitting by a radio in 1955? Congrats on your finds