Monday, February 20, 2012

Thrift Finds!

I made a deal with the hubby on Sat.  If he'll take me to one thrift shop of my choice, I'd go to Staples with him! LOL!

So, I picked out a nice thrift shop and off we went.  I left with two items and both of them I love!

I needed a chair for my desk and here is what I found:

An old school chair.  I love the industrial colors on the legs!

Then, there's this:

Sweet!  A Rolodex in that great industrial gray metal!

Now, I have a question for you.  The previous owner taped an index card to the cover with notes on it.  Would you remove that before selling it or let the next owner do it if they want?  I'm torn, I think the note adds character to it and it can be easily removed but I wonder if the note will keep some from buying it.  Thoughts?


Jennie said...

Me, I'd remove the note. When I'm looking to buy something, I want to be able to see it in my space. That note would keep me from wanting it in my space, even though intellectually I know I could just remove it. I'm not good at visualizing some things, I guess. No matter what- cool finds, as always!!

VintageVendor said...

Great finds. I'm liking that Rolodex a lot would remove the paper that is on it. If it was nice looking, I might leave it, but it isn't!! LOL