Saturday, December 20, 2008

S & H Green Stamp Earrings!

I love trying new things and these worked out great! Strips of genuine S & H green stamps, rolled, glued and heavily coated, then made into earrings! I coated these so much, they have the look and feel of porcelain! You can see more photos in my Etsy shop,
Speaking of selling. I've been accepted at HandmadeFuzion, which is a juried place to sell handmade items! Apparently, I was accepted back in Sept. but didn't know it! I was surprised this morning when I received an email asking if they could use me as a featured seller and to answer some questions. In my famous smarty attitude, I answered some of the questions seriously until I got to the question "where do you show your items?" and I answered "on Etsy, since you did not accept my application". LOLOL! Imagine my surprise when the owner of the site wrote back and said she has me in her database as a seller. So, I got busy selling!
Also, I signed up to sell on Artfire! I did this before I knew I was accepted to Fuzion, so now I have four shops. Whew. Four shops, two street teams, a blog and a Pez website. I better get organized!


Unknown said...

They turned out awesome RunswithScissors!

Jennie said...

Wowee, Karen! The earrings are so cool, and big fat congratulations on your HandmadeFuzion acceptance. You DO have a ton going on...I hope you'll still have time for your friends *sniff*